
Understanding emotions - Jerusalem

Understanding emotions - Jerusalem

The first conference of the Emotions tour is organized in collaboration with ELSC- Edmond and Lily Center for Brain Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is dedicated to Understanding Emotions: they are part of our everyday life, but nevertheless emotions often remain a mystery. Seven world-renowned women scientists will reveal the secrets of of what could be considered a neural tool box useful in many different situations, from mere survival to the social pleasure in taking and sharing a selfie. It will be a full immersion into the world of emotions, where there will be room to discuss one of the most controversial emotions, fear, as well as the strong two-way link between emotions and learning, and to shed some light on disorders related to the management of emotions and the understanding of other people’s emotions. The BrainForum takes place at the ELSC Auditorium Edmond J. Safra Campus, Goodman Building starting at 9.30 local time. With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation 00:00:00 Start 00:01:38 Introduction: Viviana Kasam 00:10:16 Chair: Idan Segev (The edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 00:15:08 Welcome addresses: Moshe Lion (Mayor of Jerusalem), H. E. Sergio Barbanti (Ambassador of Italy to Israel) 00:42:20 Maya Tamir: Emotions: a tool box 01:09:28 Talma Hendler: Emotions from safety to selfie 01:36:34 Inbal Ben Ami: Helping others in distress 02:33:20 Mouna Maroun: How to reduce fear by social support 02:55:41 Shir Atzil: Growing a social brain 03:23:53 Hermona Soreq: Repressed emotions and PTSD

Love maps of the brain - Genoa

Love maps of the brain - Genoa

Genoa Science Festival is one of the most popular and well-established scientific events in Europe. Considering this year’s theme – MAPS – Emotions aims to reveal the mysteries behind what is likely the most complex and important – as well as most studied – emotive process of the human being: love. To this end the scientists who will be speaking at the Emotions Brainforum will map out love both from a spatial point of view, describing the brain structures involved, and from a time-related perspective, explaining the importance of the very first months in the life of a human being for the proper development of the feeling of love in our brain and psyche. The speakers will also discuss the brain and psychological processes behind what corrupts love turning it from a fantastic, heart-warming feeling into a hurtful, dangerous emotion that can result in jealousy, stalking and violence. A fascinating journey through neuroscience and psychology, to reveal what we know about love, but also to understand what is still a mystery. In partnership with the Festival della Scienza as part of their calendar, the BrainForum takes place at Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, starting at 18.00 local time. The conference will be in italian and english with simultaneous translation. With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation With the unconditional support of: Lundbeck 00:00:00 Start 00:03:35 Chair: Viviana Kasam (President of BrainCircleItalia) 00:15:38 Ruth Feldman: We learn love from our parents 00:49:55 Donatella Marazziti: How love turns sour

Le mappe dell'amore nel cervello - Genova

Le mappe dell'amore nel cervello - Genova

Il Festival della Scienza di Genova è uno degli eventi scientifici più conosciuti e affermati in Europa. Considerando il tema di quest’anno – MAPPE – Emotions si propone di svelare i misteri dietro quello che è probabilmente il processo emotivo più complesso e importante – oltre che più studiato – dell’essere umano: l’amore. A tal fine gli scienziati che interverranno al Brainforum Emotions mapperanno l’amore sia da un punto di vista spaziale, descrivendo le strutture cerebrali coinvolte, sia da una prospettiva temporale, spiegando l’importanza dei primissimi mesi di vita di un essere umano per il corretto sviluppo del sentimento d’amore nel nostro cervello e nella nostra psiche. I relatori discuteranno anche del cervello e dei processi psicologici dietro ciò che corrompe l’amore trasformandolo da una sensazione fantastica e che scalda il cuore in un’emozione dolorosa e pericolosa che può provocare gelosia, stalking e violenza. Un affascinante viaggio tra neuroscienze e psicologia, per svelare ciò che sappiamo dell’amore, ma anche per capire cosa è ancora un mistero. In collaborazione con il Festival della Scienza come parte del loro calendario, il BrainForum si svolge presso Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, a partire dalle 18.00 ora locale. La conferenza sarà in italiano e inglese con traduzione simultanea. Con il generoso contributo di: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation Con il supporto incondizionato di: Lundbeck 00:00:00 Inizio 00:03:35 Modera: Viviana Kasam 00:15:38 Ruth Feldman: Sono i genitori a insegnarci l’amore 00:49:55 Donatella Marazziti: Quando l’amore si fa amaro

Beauty and the brain: can neuroscience explain art? - Rome

Beauty and the brain: can neuroscience explain art? - Rome

Imbued with its millennial charm, Rome is the perfect setting for the leg of the Emotions tour devoted to beauty and the feelings it sparks in us. This appointment is organized by BrainCircleItalia in collaboration with EBRI. the European Brain Research Institute “Rita Levi-Montalcini”, a neuroscience research center founded in 2002 by the Italian Nobel Prize Laureate and hosted by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. What is beauty? Is the so-called ‘absolute beauty’ innate to human nature which stems from the biological evolution that is characteristic of our species? Or rather, do canons of beauty depend on the social and cultural factors which inevitably vary over time? Physical, artistic, literary, musical: how many kinds of beauty are there? And what chords do they strike in terms of emotions and brain activation? These intriguing questions will be answered by seven brilliant international academics. Through a multidisciplinary approach they will reveal the hidden yet undeniable links between beauty, emotion, brain and memories, in a journey towards the discovery of beauty, that will encompass everything from the biological and cultural evolution to mnemonics and from Proust to the study of the brain’s structures and circuits. The BrainForum takes place at Accademia dei Lincei starting at 9.00 local time. The conference will be in english and italian with simultaneous translation. With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation With the unconditional support of: Lundbeck

La grande bellezza: possono le neuroscienze spiegare l'arte?

La grande bellezza: possono le neuroscienze spiegare l'arte?

Intrisa del suo fascino millenario, Roma è lo scenario perfetto per la tappa di Emotions dedicata alla bellezza e alle sensazioni che suscita in noi. Questo appuntamento è organizzato da BrainCircleItalia in collaborazione con EBRI. European Brain Research Institute “Rita Levi-Montalcini”, centro di ricerca sulle neuroscienze fondato nel 2002 dal Premio Nobel italiano e ospitato dall’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Cos’è la bellezza? La cosiddetta “bellezza assoluta” è innata nella natura umana che deriva dall’evoluzione biologica caratteristica della nostra specie? Oppure, i canoni della bellezza dipendono da fattori sociali e culturali che inevitabilmente variano nel tempo? Fisico, artistico, letterario, musicale: quanti tipi di bellezza esistono? E quali accordi toccano in termini di emozioni e attivazione cerebrale? A queste intriganti domande risponderanno sette brillanti accademiche internazionali. Attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare sveleranno i legami nascosti ma innegabili tra bellezza, emozioni, cervello e ricordi, in un viaggio alla scoperta della bellezza, che comprenderà tutto, dall’evoluzione biologica e culturale alla mnemonica, da Proust allo studio di strutture e circuiti del cervello. Il BrainForum si svolge presso l’Auditorium del MAXXI – Museo delle arti del XXI secolo, a partire dalle 9.00 ora locale. La conferenza sarà in inglese e italiano con traduzione simultanea. Con il generoso contributo di: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation Con il supporto incondizionato di: Lundbeck

Does gender affect emotions? Lugano

Does gender affect emotions? Lugano

For better or for worse, women have always been considered powerless when it comes to controlling their emotions: easily teared up, exultant in love, but nevertheless altruistic and capable of great empathy. But do men and women really experience emotions in such vastly different ways? And if this were the case, does it depend on purely organic and hormonal differences or is it a consequence of learning and conditioning? What role do emotions play in personality development? To what extent illness is impacted by emotions, and how far should they be taken into consideration in sex and gender-oriented precision medicine? These are all key questions we aim to answer at our Lugano event of the Emotions tour, organized by BrainCircleItalia and BrainCircleLugano in collaboration with Women’s Brain Project and the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland – EOC, Lugano. By holding a global discussion on affective science, we will highlight that emotions are not opposed to rationality but rather they play an important role in our identity development and cognitive processes. Much is now being said about emotional intelligence. The symposium will also be a journey through the richness and paradoxes of emotions while focusing on the gender stereotypes that have been developing over time, between the innate and the learned, between barriers and preconceptions, to promote inclusiveness. The BrainForum takes place at LAC-Lugano Arte e Cultura and starting at 18.00 local time. The conference will be in english and italian with simultaneous translation. With the patronage of Consiglio di Stato della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, Città di Lugano With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, IBSA Foundation With the support of: Banca Stato, Delance , Hotel Splendide Royal In collaboration with: LAC-Lugano Arte e Cultura

Che "genere" di emozioni? - Lugano

Che "genere" di emozioni? - Lugano

Per molto tempo le donne sono state considerate, a differenza degli uomini, incapaci di dominare le loro emozioni (nel bene e nel male): facili al pianto, esaltate nell’amore, ma anche più empatiche ed altruiste. Ma uomini e donne sperimentano davvero le emozioni in modi diversi? E se così fosse, queste differenti modalità dipendono da differenze prettamente organiche e ormonali, o sono invece il risultato di apprendimenti e condizionamenti? Che ruolo hanno le emozioni nello sviluppo della personalità? Che influsso hanno le emozioni nella malattia, e quanto dovrebbero essere considerate nella medicina di precisione orientata al sesso e al genere? Domande importantissime a cui cercherà di rispondere la tappa di Lugano, organizzata da BrainCircleItalia e BrainCircleLugano in collaborazione con Women’s Brain Project e il Neurocentro – Istituto di Neuroscienze cliniche della Svizzera Italiana – EOC, Lugano. Sarà una discussione globale sulla scienza delle emozioni, per capire innanzitutto quanto esse non siano contrapposte alla razionalità, e anzi rivestano un ruolo importante per i nostri processi formativi e cognitivi (si parla sempre di più, infatti, di intelligenza emotiva). ma sarà anche un viaggio nella ricchezza e nei paradossi delle emozioni, e soprattutto negli stereotipi che si sono costruiti nel tempo attorno al ‘genere’, tra l’innato e l’appreso, tra barriere e preconcetti, all’insegna dell’inclusività. Il BrainForum si svolge presso LAC-Lugano Arte e Cultura, Piazza B. Luini 5, e inizia alle 18.00 ora locale. La conferenza sarà in inglese e italiano con traduzione simultanea. Con il patrocinio di Consiglio di Stato della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino e Città di Lugano Con il generoso contributo di: Fondazione Lilah, Fondazione Matanel, Fondazione IBSA Con il supporto di: Banca Stato, Delance, Hotel Splendide Royal In collaborazione con: LAC-Lugano Arte e Cultura

Le emozioni nei mondi artificiali - emotions

Le emozioni nei mondi artificiali - emotions

Milano è una delle capitali italiane ed europee della ricerca tecnologica e dell’innovazione: ecco perché questa tappa di Emotions si prospetta come un vero e proprio viaggio nel futuro, alla scoperta del mutevole rapporto tra scienza e società, tra tecnologia ed essere umano. Non a caso l’evento è organizzato in stretta collaborazione con MEET Digital Culture Center, il centro internazionale per l’arte e la cultura digitale, nato con il supporto di Fondazione Cariplo, che vuole contribuire a colmare il divario digitale italiano nella convinzione che l’innovazione tecnologica sia prima di tutto un fatto culturale. la tappa di milano si svilupperà intorno al delicato rapporto tra emozioni e nuove tecnologie. Sei esperte si alterneranno sul palco, raccontando alcuni dei principali filoni di ricerca in questo ambito: dallo sviluppo di robot intelligenti e umanoidi (non solo nelle forme ma anche nel modo di riconoscere e, in un certo senso, provare emozioni) alle emozioni legate al rapporto uomo/macchina; dalle potenzialità, in continua crescita ed espansione, della realtà virtuale, fino all’embodiment (una vera e propria incarnazione nel corpo altri, mediata dalla tecnologia) e allo studio di algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale in grado di identificare situazioni di potenziale rischio emotivo all’interno delle comunità virtuali. La conferenza sarà in inglese e italiano con traduzione simultanea. Il BrainForum si svolge presso il MEET Centro internazionale di cultura digitale, Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, con inizio alle 9.30 ora locale. Con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano e il generoso contributo di: Fondazione Lilah, Fondazione Matanel, Fondazione Cariplo Con il supporto incondizionato di: Lundbeck

Emotions in the artificial worlds - emotions

Emotions in the artificial worlds - emotions

Milan is one of the Italian and European capitals of technological research and innovation: that’s why this leg of Emotions is set to be a real journey into the future, in search of the ever-changing relationship between science and society, between technology and the human being. It’s not by chance that this event is organized in close collaboration with MEET Digital Culture Center, an international center for Art and Digital Culture, founded with the support of the Fondazione Cariplo, with the aim to bridge Italy’s digital divide in the strong belief that technological innovation is first and foremost a cultural fact and. The Milan appointment is set to develop around the delicate relationship between emotions and new technologies. Six experts will take to the stage in turns to recount some of the key points of the research that is being carried out in this field: from the development of intelligent and humanoid robots to the emotions associated with man-machine interaction; from the continuous growth and expanding potential of virtual reality to “embodiment” (a technology-aided incarnation in somebody’s else body) and the study of artificial intelligence algorithms capable of identifying the potential for emotional risk within virtual communities. The BrainForum will takes place at MEET starting at 9.30 local time and will be in english and italian with simultaneous translation. With the patronage of Comune di Milano and the the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, Fondazione Cariplo With the unconditional support of: Lundbeck

Emotions and rationality - Delphi

Emotions and rationality - Delphi

When we decide how to invest our money, or we judge a crime, when we make a strategy for our company or we memorize an event, we delude ourselves to be totally rational, but it is not so. Emotions play a fundamental role in every activity of our brain, even if we are not aware of it. Three outstanding neuroscientists will explain how feelings trick our rationality and how a better knowledge of emotions can help us make the right decisions. Emotions accepted the invitation of the Delphi Economic Forum to organize an appointment addressed to the world of finance, business, economy and institutions – a world still dominated by the illusion of sheer masculine rationality – to underline how emotions and rationality are indeed complementary and both necessary to face the new challenges of a globalized world. The BrainForum will takes place at Delphi Economic Forum and will be in english, starting at 11.00 am local time. With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, Sagol Internationa Network

Love and its emotional implications - LONDON

Love and its emotional implications - LONDON

“All you need is love”, says the iconic song by British band The Beatles. Indeed, love is truly a hallmark of our highly-sociable species: it is of primary impor- tance at the formative, interpersonal and evolution- ary levels. The UK conference of the Emotions tour, organised in collaboration with Sainsbury Wellcome Centre (University College London), and BrainCircle UK, will examine the neurobiology and psychology un- derpinning various types of love, and the way love shapes our lives. Five world-renowned researchers will speak on the neural basis of love and social at- tachment, including passion for another person, whether reciprocated or not; the emergence of the social brain during our adolescent years; and the biol- ogy that drives our maternal and paternal behaviour. The BrainForum takes place at Auditorium of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre starting at 10.30 local time. With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, Sagol International Network

Emotions, cognition and behavior - GENEVA

Emotions, cognition and behavior - GENEVA

For a long time, emotions have been considered a source of “negative” disruption to the “positive” rational human behavior. After many years of research, evidence does not support this naïve perspective anymore. Emotions are biological and psychological adaptive mechanisms that represent an essential part of our ability to cope with the environment and live a good personal and social life. Although emotions can sometimes be unpleasant, they provide critical information and a priceless guidance for everybody. Emotions profoundly influence our behavior and cognition, and recent innovative studies are clarifying these crucial relationships. On the occasion of the Geneva event of the Emotions tour, co-organized by the University of Geneva Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, BrainCircle Italia and BrainCircle Lugano, six internationally renowned women scientists will discuss the influence of emotion on our behavior, covering several important topics: the role of emotions in politics and how empathy and curiosity can strengthen social bonds, the impact of smells on our emotions, the emotional consequences of traumatic experiences, and the importance of being emotionally flexible. The links between emotions and behavior will be examined from psychological, philosophical, and neuroscientific perspectives, and artistic performances related to the topics discussed will punctuate the event. This is the last meeting of the Emotions project, which opened in 2021 in Jerusalem and has traveled to nine European cities. In all the meetings, emotions were discussed from a different angle, and the invited speakers were some of the most prominent international scientists. The project, created by Viviana Kasam, president of BrainCircleItalia and BrainCircleLugano, in collaboration with Ticino-based science journalist Clara Caverzasio, and scientists Daniela Perani, Hermona Soreq, and Bianca Jones Marlin, was carried out in each of the host cities in collaboration with a prestigious local research center. The BrainForum will take place at Campus Biotech, Université de Genève, starting at 15.00 (open doors and on-site registration at 14:30, local time). With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, Sagol International Network With the support of: Delance, Lombard Odier

Emotions, cognition and behavior - GENEVA

Emotions, cognition and behavior - GENEVA

For a long time, emotions have been considered a source of “negative” disruption to the “positive” rational human behavior. After many years of research, evidence does not support this naïve perspective anymore. Emotions are biological and psychological adaptive mechanisms that represent an essential part of our ability to cope with the environment and live a good personal and social life. Although emotions can sometimes be unpleasant, they provide critical information and a priceless guidance for everybody. Emotions profoundly influence our behavior and cognition, and recent innovative studies are clarifying these crucial relationships. On the occasion of the Geneva event of the Emotions tour, co-organized by the University of Geneva Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, BrainCircle Italia and BrainCircle Lugano, six internationally renowned women scientists will discuss the influence of emotion on our behavior, covering several important topics: the role of emotions in politics and how empathy and curiosity can strengthen social bonds, the impact of smells on our emotions, the emotional consequences of traumatic experiences, and the importance of being emotionally flexible. The links between emotions and behavior will be examined from psychological, philosophical, and neuroscientific perspectives, and artistic performances related to the topics discussed will punctuate the event. This is the last meeting of the Emotions project, which opened in 2021 in Jerusalem and has traveled to nine European cities. In all the meetings, emotions were discussed from a different angle, and the invited speakers were some of the most prominent international scientists. The project, created by Viviana Kasam, president of BrainCircleItalia and BrainCircleLugano, in collaboration with Ticino-based science journalist Clara Caverzasio, and scientists Daniela Perani, Hermona Soreq, and Bianca Jones Marlin, was carried out in each of the host cities in collaboration with a prestigious local research center. The BrainForum will take place at Campus Biotech, Université de Genève, starting at 15.00 (open doors and on-site registration at 14:30, local time). With the generous contribution of: Lilah Foundation, Matanel Foundation, Sagol International Network With the support of: Delance, Lombard Odier

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